I shot this super crisp look back in the spring, but between quarantine, finishing up college, and moving, I was so busy that blogging …
When I say that I’ve been trying to shoot this look for almost two years, I’m not kidding in even the slightest. …
Ok so maybe it isn’t boots with the fur. It’s more like boots and the fur, but I just couldn’t resist …
With change of day-to-day life brought about by the coronavirus, everyone’s schedules have been a bit off kilter, my own included. While this …
In all honesty, it feels weird to be writing this article given the recent news of Kobe Bryant’s passing. He and his daughter …
I know it has been a bit since my last fashion post, but I like how much personality and energy the lifestyle posts here …
Well you guys, it’s official! I am officially getting more immersed in the blogging world! I have been on LIKEtoKNOW.it as a …
The time has officially come, and I could not be more excited! I am officially sharing with you my absolute favorite fashion staple! Yes, …