White Shirts and Quarantine Blues

I shot this super crisp look back in the spring, but between quarantine, finishing up college, and moving, I was so busy that blogging really fell through the cracks. I may have intended for this look to be styled for spring, but a white button up is just such a classic that it truly transcends seasons. If I am being completely honest, I probably wear this more in the winter than I do in spring just for the sake of the heat!

When it comes to styling a white button up, it is really hard to go wrong. It is such a versatile piece that you can truly take it in any direction you want. I often times find myself wearing it with simple jeans, black booties, and a bold earring. A great coat is also a lovely addition. I usually go for my trusty camel coat, but a herringbone it houndstooth one would also be fantastic! Being that my style can lean a little towards preppy, I have to be careful not to lean too much in the “Connecticut mom” direction. For any last minute heat waves you may be having, a crisp white button up with distressed cut offs and espadrilles makes a perfect end of summer look. However, my biggest piece of advice when it comes to a white button up is that you always make sure it isn’t wrinkled. It just makes the whole look very messy and it gives off the impression that you don’t have your life together. It might be in your best interest to invest in a quality one that you will have for years. Banana Republic has some great ones that will last without breaking the bank. I love mine so much that I have two!

2020 is simply just the weirdest year. I simultaneously feel like it will never end, but that it is also moving faster than any other year. It just seems like yesterday that the pandemic started back in March. However, I also can’t help but feel like these have also been the longest seven months of my life. Overall, I’m doing alright. September hit me real hard. I was sick for the last half of the month and the beginning of October. I count myself lucky that I did not have covid, but it was the most sick I had been in a few years. As a result, I felt weak, fatigued, and just kind of meh (for lack of a better description). However, those physical symptoms definitely carried over into mental ones, and I have reached my personal limit with the pandemic. I miss the life we had before, and I especially miss college. In addition to quarantine blues, I’m dealing with some post-college blues. I absolutely loved every second of college, and I’m pretty bummed to be done. I’m in a much better place than I had been recently, and I don’t regret even an ounce of that progress. However, it’s normal for the realities of the pandemic to hit harder some times more than others. What’s unfortunate is that the already difficult transition between college and adult life is only further complicated by the emotional toll of quarantine. I’m rolling with the punches pretty well, but I can’t wait to return to normal life. In the mean time, I’ll just have to keep my online shopping in check!


