With change of day-to-day life brought about by the coronavirus, everyone’s schedules have been a bit off kilter, my own included. While this blog post may not be posted on a Monday like I usually do, I barely know what day of the week it is anymore anyways, so I suppose it doesn’t matter a whole lot given the grand scheme of it all. It feels odd to be writing a fashion post with everything going on right now. Hospital workers and everyone in the health care industry are working incredibly hard. There are people who are fighting for their lives, and there are people taking serious measures to protect those they love. The lucky ones who have not contracted the virus are stuck inside. While they may be physically safer in their homes, the mental toll has a serious effect that ought not be overlooked.
Personally, I am starting to come down from the massive wave of anxiety the measures taken against the coronavirus brought on to my life. I have come to grudgingly accept that I will not have a graduation this year and will have to wait for UCLA to provide us with a ceremony at another time. I have come to terms with my temporary stay in Texas, and I remind myself every day that I will return home as soon as I can. Living with my parents again is by no means the end of the world. I am extremely grateful and appreciative of everything they do for me, and I enjoy spending time with them. However, that does not take away the fact that I never chose to be in Texas. Texas will never be home, and my entire life is in LA, which is really my home. I have built a life I am so proud of in LA, and I hate being away from it. LA is certainly where I am happiest. However, the days are getting easier. Once finals were over, I spent my spring break working out, watching way to much TV and movies, and cooking with my parents. It was all very simple compared to my week of solo backpacking that I did last year, but the predictability of each day was relaxing and mind numbing, which was kind of perfect given the circumstances. However, this is my third week in Texas, and I am officially going crazy. I am trying to keep myself incredibly occupied to help with it all, but that is still difficult. Classes started this week, which should keep me busy for the remainder of quarantine, but I think it’s time to return to the blog. It is one of the most normalizing parts of my life and is perfect for reestablishing a rhythm.

With that being said, I think it’s time to introduce a new fashion post! For this week, I wanted to focus on my mustard sweater (I promise it looks more mustard and less orange in person). As fall was setting in months ago, I began to realize that so many of my sweaters were actually from high school or the beginning of college. Needless to say, they were all very out of style or just didn’t fit right. My clothes now are all tighter and more cropped than the longer styles I wore in years past. I needed a few new additions to my closet that fit that look. After all, sweaters are such a closet staple that can really be worn all year. Even in the spring and summer, I like to pair them with skirts or over sundresses for casual summer night dinners with friends. While I bought three new sweaters to add to my wardrobe, I never thought I would be a mustard yellow kind of person. It’s no secret that very few people can truly pull off yellow. Because I have such fair skin, it really is not difficult for me to look washed out. I have to be careful if I deviate beyond my neutral or jewel toned color palette. I decided to give mustard yellow a chance because I owned one dress in a similar shade a few years back that was quite a hit. Maybe I shouldn’t be so apprehensive of yellow after all. I think I pull this color off alright!

While I may have admitted my current style is much more fitted, there is something about a loose chunky sweater that is just so irresistible. I think it has to do with how comfy it is. I really can’t say how much I love this cozy yet stylish sweater. When worn with jeans, I think a French tuck is best. This sweater in particular hits at an odd length, but that’s nothing a little tuck can’t fix! I really can’t wait to wear this in the summer over a little dress to Friday night jazz at LACMA while I munch on a charcuterie board with some friends. I’m really not sure summer can come any faster, especially this year! I find myself daydreaming a lot more than usual about the upcoming summer, my future travel plans, and putting an end on this chapter. My head is really stuck in the future, but I can’t blame it. The present isn’t so great at the moment. I know we will all get through this when the time is right. I just hope that time is coming soon!
Stay safe and stay healthy.