AIR Los Angeles- Aerial Silks

How often do you really try something new? I find that we settle into routine quite easily, for we are all looking for some level of comfort in our lives. My typical workout routine primarily consists of SoulCycle and yoga. However, there are so many other alternative fitness options out there that my curiosity was certainly piqued when I saw a picture on Instagram of an old friend of mine taking an aerial silks class in Chicago. I couldn’t help but want to try it for myself. How many people do you meet on the street say that they have tackled aerial silks cirque du soleil style? Deciding that I wanted to see if I had what it takes to join the circus, I took two of my closest friends to AIR on 3rdStreet in West Hollywood.

When you walk into the studio, your eyes are immediately drawn to all of the turquois and soft blue-green’s of the silks hanging from the ceiling. The first thing my friends and I did after getting the right size hammocks was sit in them like little cocoons (which is perhaps the easiest pose we did all of class). We decided to take the AIR Foundation class because it was beginner-friendly and open to all levels. The class itself is a mixture of Pilates and conditioning, which were familiar to me. After spending about half of the class doing plank variations, push-ups, tricep dips, and core exercises, the remainder of the class was focused around flying through the air. The pose of the week was called scorpion, and although we were all able to twist ourselves into the pose before the end of class, it was definitely a challenge. In particular, we struggled to wrap our foot around the silks one last time before we pushed ourselves into the pose. You may think that the best part of the whole class was the feeling of floating from the ceiling (which was pretty cool), but perhaps the best feeling was the sense of accomplishment we got from successfully completing something outside of our comfort zones. 

Aerial silks are certainly no joke! The next day, all of us were sore in all different parts of our bodies. I felt it the most in my shoulders and upper body, while Tori felt it in her abs. I even have a few bruises on my hips from putting all my body weight on the silks. I enjoy pushing my boundaries as an athlete to see what I’m capable of. This class certainly tested my limits and reminded me how I not only need to keep trying new things but also how important it is to keep a well-rounded workout regimen.

If you are looking for something interesting and unique to try, I highly recommend taking an aerial silks class at AIR! The studio offers discounts for first timers too, so be sure to inquire about those. Be sure to keep challenging yourself and take advantage of all of life’s unique opportunities! 


